
Bloody Elbow

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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Greg Clark's fight predictions are almost here

Many MMA Fever regulars such as Adam Pattenden, Michel Dubuc, Anthony Bastone, and Augustus Amul have been itching for Greg Clark's UFC 67 fight predications.

Don't worry MMA Fever Fans I have it on good word that Greg is finishing off his predictions and you will see them very SOON!.

We appreciate your patience and your continued support.

Colonel Balz


  1. There's going to be a major upset at UFC 67 and I will have the controversial UFC 67 picks ready for tomorrow.

    I am in research mode right now and I have knowledge of an injury of a headlining fighter at UFC 67.

    Psst.. don't let the cat ot of the bag just yet :)

  2. Your heard it MMA Fever Fans a major upset at UFC 67.

    I can't wait please don't keep us in suspense for too much longer Greg.

    Good things some to those who wait boyz.

    Stay tuned MMA Fever Fans.


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