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Friday, March 2, 2007

UFC 68 Videos

Be sure to stay tuned to MMA Fever as we will search the farthest corners of the Internet universe to find UFC 68 video coverage for you. I love the challenge of tracking down videos after Zuffa knocked 'em offline. The fans are bigger than the UFC, we made the UFC, its our house! (Sorry Royce, I had to borrow your line for a moment)

So, if you missed a killer event in Pride 33 that happened last Saturday, be sure to check out my video coverage of the most exciting event of the year to date. That's not just my opinion, it's also the opinion of many now converted UFC fans with a new found craving for Pride FC fighting. After all, it's all about fighting so "can't we all just get along?" (insert punch to the face here).

We have a lot of fans from countries around the world that do not have the opportunity to obtain the UFC event so please stay tuned to MMA Fever for UFC video coverage following the "would be, could be" historical event and be sure to tell a few friends too!

Check out the UFC 68 Videos right here


  1. Video piracy is illegal. We are watching you.


  2. If you said you were from Zuffa, I would have only given you an LOL.

    UFC is a product, Zuffa is the organization that owns the product that I do not host on this site.

    If you found a way to stream video from Blogger as a direct hosting feed, let me know 'cause I can't do it 'cause it can't happen.

    I link to it - no harm done here :)

    Keep coming back to read this site a bit more to eductae yourself about the world of MMA and MMA politics :)

  3. McFedries vs Kampmann


  4. Thanks Snake!

    I have all of the televised card up right now.


    I want the Hamill fight badly... if you find it please drop me a comment.



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